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CRD FAQ - General Registered Representative (AG)

1. How do I submit form filings to CRD?

Upon completion of a filing, select the Completeness Check link to run a completeness check for systematic errors within the form. If the completeness check is successful, click the Summary option in the left-hand navigation menu and click the Review Form button. This allows you to review the information in Form View, which matches the layout of the legal Form U4 that will be submitted to regulators. Once you have finished reviewing in Form View, select the Submit button. It is very important to select this button to actually submit the filing to CRD. Once this button has been selected, a message will be displayed that the filing has been successfully submitted for processing. Selecting the OK button within the message window will return you to the individual’s profile.

2. How long does a filing remain pending?

The Classic CRD system has defined deadlines to submit various form filing types; otherwise, the system automatically deletes them from the system. See the table below for a complete list of expiration timeframes for each filing type:

  Classic CRD FINRA Gateway
Form U4 N/A – no longer available No defined period at this time.
Form U5 60 days No defined period at this time.
Form U6 60 days N/A – not available in the system
Form BR 60 days N/A – not available in the system
Form BD 180 days N/A – not available in the system
Form BDW 180 days N/A – not available in the system

There are several tools available in Classic CRD and FINRA Gateway that can be used to track pending filings.

3. What happens if, while there is a "pending" filing for an individual, another filing is processed that changes the individual's data?

When you create and save the information on a pending filing in Classic CRD (Forms U5, BR, BD, etc.), the information changed by the form filing is placed in an "in process" area in CRD. Pending filings in Classic CRD will be invalidated if the individual’s information changes — due to another filing or updates by a regulator — before the pending filing is submitted. Filings that are rendered invalid cannot be submitted because the information that existed when the "pending" filing was initially created has now been changed. Under most circumstances, a read-only version of invalidated filings is made available in the system to help recreate invalidated filings for submission.

4. Where can I find the "picklists" for the Uniform Registration Forms?

The picklists can be found in the pdf versions of the forms. See the dedicated form pages, which are available from the Registration Forms page, for more information.

5. Should titles (i.e., Mr., Ms., etc.) be captured in any of the name fields on the Uniform Forms?

When creating an individual and inputting the individual's name, do not use titles such as Mr., Mrs., Ms., etc., in any of the name fields. Including titles can prevent or delay a match when a name search is performed.

6. What does a filing status of "conversion" mean?

"Conversion" indicates that the information contained in the filing was converted from the Legacy CRD system to Classic CRD. If U6 information existed for the disclosure event that was converted, then it was converted word-for-word into Classic CRD. If the information was disclosed only on a Form U4 and Form U5, the information that was submitted on a Form U5 was converted first. If the information was submitted on a Form U4 only, then that U4 data was converted.

7. What does it mean when a registration request reflects a "purged" status?

Registration requests will be systematically purged in CRD if they remain deficient longer than their specified timeframe. A purged registration status is an inactive status and means that a new Form U4 filing would have to be submitted by the firm to re-request the purged registrations (along with applicable fees). Otherwise, the individual may be systematically terminated from the firm. For more information on managing deficiencies, including purge timeframes, please review the Registration Deficiency Tracking Program Quick Reference Guide.